Are you about to renew your bike insurance policy anytime soon? If so, you might want to read this article first. If your insurance policy is due for renewal, you get the perfect opportunity to review the coverage you have and make improvements in your policy. This way, your bike insurance plan can keep up with your evolving needs. To help you make the right decision, we have listed down a few questions you need to ask yourself during bike insurance renewal. Let’s get started –
Question 1 – Do I need to change the type of plan I have?
To start off, review your existing bike insurance plan. If you have a third party insurance plan, you might want to consider switching over to comprehensive insurance for better coverage. A comprehensive two wheeler insurance plan will cover you against third party liabilities, own damages, natural calamities, and manmade disasters. Policy renewal is the best time to check if you want to upgrade your coverage or whether your current policy gives you everything you need.
Question 2 – Would I benefit from any additional riders?
Riders are add-on benefits that help enhance your base bike insurance plan. During bike insurance renewal check your own needs to see whether you would benefit from riders such as roadside assistance, consumables cover, zero depreciation cover, or even engine protection cover. Do bear in mind that these add-on covers can only be included in a comprehensive bike insurance plan. Also, they come at an extra cost, so choose only the ones you really need.
Question 3 – Has my current insurer provided me with satisfactory customer service?
It is not necessary to stick with the same insurance provider if their services have been unsatisfactory. Before renewing your bike insurance plan, ask yourself whether you want to switch over to another general insurance provider who will, perhaps, offer better service.
Question 4 – Was my premium affordable this past year?
Premium affordability is an important consideration when you buy any form of insurance. If you are getting the same plan – or a better plan – at a more affordable premium with another insurance company, you might want to switch over. You can make use of the bike insurance calculator tool for help in comparing premiums.
Question 5 – Are you due for a no-claim bonus?
If you did not raise a claim in the previous policy year, you are due to receive a no-claim bonus as well. Make sure that this bonus is given to you. Remember that you retain your bonus even if you switch between bike insurance companies.
With these questions in mind, you will be able to focus correctly on what you need from your new bike insurance policy. Do bear in mind that you can easily renew your coverage online these days. The online process of two wheeler insurance renewal is quick, easy, and extremely convenient.
We hope this article will help you during bike insurance renewal soon. Wear a helmet and ride your vehicle safely.
All the best!
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