Personal loans come as a great financial help when you need money to meet any of your urgent expenses. With a loan amount of up to ₹ 25 lakhs, you can have all your financial worries sorted out within minutes. Reputed lenders like Clix Capital offer an ample amount of loans for 12 to 48 months, which you can conveniently pay as per your repayment capacity.
Here are a few common scenarios in which you may apply for a personal loan.
Debt Consolidation
If you have been indebted in multiple loans, you may take a personal loan and consolidate all of them into one single monthly payment. Personal loan for debt consolidation makes your loans easier to manage and allows you to pay them off in a stress-free manner.
Indian weddings are extravagant and you would not want to leave any stone unturned to make your big day generous and memorable. There are several kinds of expenses you have to make while planning a wedding, including catering, venue, decorations, jewellery, dress, gifts, invitations, and others. With a personal loan for wedding, you can handle all these expenses and keep repaying over 12 to 48 months.
Home Renovation
You are lucky if you already own the house of your dreams. But that’s not enough. You also need to keep it maintained and renovate it from time to time to keep it in optimum condition and to retain its value. Whether you wish to add a storeroom, change the flooring, repaint the house, install solar panels, or do any other renovation work in your house, apply for a personal loan for home renovation and get funds to start the project immediately.
Medical Emergency
Medical emergencies are unforeseen and can rip you off of all your savings. Health insurances are usually not enough for proper treatment and they do not give you the freedom to get treated the way you want. So, if you have met an accident or diagnosed with a disease, get the best possible treatment with funds from a personal loan for medical emergency. Apart from medicines, hospitalization, treatment, and rehabilitation, you can use your personal loan amount for elective procedures as well, such as dental work, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatment, or others.
Looking forward to going on a lavish vacation to an international destination? Apply for a personal loan for travel and head to your dream vacation now. Use your loan amount to book your tickets and accommodation, car rentals, sightseeing, adventure, and any other expenses related to your travel. There will be no questions asked.
Want to gain education in a course of your choice from an international institute? Apply for a personal loan for education and build your career. Whether you are a housewife, student, entrepreneur, or salaried employee, it’s never late to gain knowledge and complete your education. However, a financial crunch should never hold you back. A personal loan for education can be the best way to get educated in your choicest institution in India or abroad.
Clix Capital is a reputed NBFC that can offer collateral-free personal loans of up to ₹ 25 lakhs for all these purposes. Apply for a personal loan from Clix Capital and take advantage of hassle-free and fast application and approval procedures within 15 minutes*. So, what are you waiting for? If you need immediate money to meet any of these expenses, apply for a personal loan now and relax.
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* T & C Apply
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